West Terrace Catholic Section




Transcripts by Andrew G Peake 1985

Surname Given Names Birth date Death Date Age Remarks
EARL Annie   08.05.1933 72 h/William
EARLS Elizabeth Lucinda   12.10.1974 81  
EARLS Ellen   14.05.1940 80  
EARLS Gregory Leo   26.04.1973 75  
EATON Alfred   ??.??.1966    
EATON Annie   ??.??.1963   h/Alfred
EATON Roger       p/Alfred  & Annie
EATTS Agnes Gertrude   20.01.1935    
EATTS Walter George   12.05.1946    
EBLEN Genevieve   27.12.1960   h/Salem
EBLEN Joseph   11.11.1932 47  
EBLEN Saleemy Salome   04.12.1939 74 h/Joseph
EBLEN Salem   05.07.1927 60  
ECERER Anthony   17.11.1906 54 of Budapest
EDE Catherine A.   27.11.1932 60  
EDE Dorothy Gray   03.09.1950   c/Valma
EDE George Stephen   26.10.1946 82 w/Miriam
EDE Miriam   27.02.1942 74 c/Dorothy & Muriel gran-c/Valma
EDE Thomas J.   16.09.1933 68 w/Catherine A.
EDGAR James   05.11.1929 70  
EDGAR Mary Louise   11.12.1945 81 h/James
EDGEWOOD Catherine   06.07.1933 77 h/John
EDGEWOOD James   30.03.1925 41 Erected by his Kilkenny Mates
EDGEWOOD James   30.03.1925 41 p/John & Catherine
EDGEWOOD John   29.06.1895 41 w/Catherine
EDGEWOOD John   04.07.1950 63 p/John & Catherine
EDGEWOOD M.  Pte. 2103   10.12.1952 59 5th Pioneer Btn.
EDGEWOOD Molly   14.10.1958 78 p/John & Catherine
EDGEWOOD Ned   10.10.1940 56 p/John & Catherine
EDGEWOOD Thomas   12.07.1929 33 w/Silvia p/John & Catherine
EDMUNDS Annie S. ??.??.1881 ??.??.1955    
EDSON Pauline May   18.07.1935 3 grand-p/Thomas & Mary GIBSON
EDWARDS Edward   18.07.1938    
EDWARDS Margaret   30.05.1961 83 nee FARRELL h/Thomas
EDWARDS May   11.03.1941    
EDWARDS Thomas Maither   20.04.1920 51 w/Margaret, died Broken Hill
EGAN Catherine   10.08.1903 47 p/John & Catherine GALVIN
EGAN Catherine Agnes   29.01.1932 56 c/Nellie, Jack, Richard & Aileen
EGAN Denis   08.02.1899   Colour Sgt.
EGAN Dominic Joseph Pte.   18.11.1919   1101 2nd Pioneers
EGAN Ellen   28.04.1919 65 h/John Francis
EGAN Francis   11.08.1897 19 p/John Francis & Ellen
EGAN Francis James       Memory of mother, father And Brothers
EGAN H.J. Pte.  SX26014   20.03.1958 37 Inf. Btn.
EGAN James   12.09.1957 77 w/Catherine Agnes
EGAN John   28.05.1886 6m p/J. & C.
EGAN John Francis   07.06.1913 56  
EGAN John Stephen       Memory of mother, father And Brothers
EGAN Margaret   13.10.1885 80  
EGAN Mary Ann   15.04.1913 57 h/Denis Erected by Sons & Daughters
EGAN Peter     19 p/John Francis & Ellen
EGAN Wiiliam   11.05.1873 73  
EICKHOFF Catherine M.   27.08.1887 65  
EICKHOFF Cecelia Albertina 04.02.1865 13.06.1945   p/John & Catherine
EICKHOFF John A.B.   29.08.1880 58 born Delbruick, Province of Westphalia
EIFFE Joseph Leo   11.10.1952    
EKINS Zelia Gwendoline   08.07.1932 47 h/A.L.G. p/John Selby & Jane COCKER
ELDRIDGE Frane   09.08.1964   h/Jack From Richard & Mary.
ELDRIDGE Joshua   07.03.1923 55  
ELDRIDGE Margaret Mary   26.04.1949 80 h/Joshua
ELFICK Mary   28.12.1911 84  
ELLARD James   27.12.1879 28  
ELLARD John   20.08.1886 37  
ELLARD Margaret   23.07.1879 19  
ELLARD Mary   27.11.1895 75  
ELLARD Michael   21.09.1877 28 w/Maggie
ELLARD Patrick   20.02.1881 68 w/Mary
ELLARD Thomas   29.06.1885 27  
ELLENBY Ernest   19.08.1928 45 w/Mary
ELLEOTT Alice MORDAUNT   10.10.1933 40  
ELLIOTT G.O. L/Cpl.   01.04.1942 38 TX1545 Corps. Of Signals
ELLIOTT James   07.07.1869 17  
ELLIOTT Mary   15.11.1903 65  
ELLIS Catherine   30.07.1942 69  
ELLIS Delia Honnrah   02.07.1916(7) 24 h/George James p/Malachy & Mary
ELLIS Elizabeth   06.12.1946 80 c/Robert Morrey & Linda
ELLIS Gladys Mary   26.02.1929 23 b/John Charles
ELLIS John   25.09.1931 32 w/Adele
ELLIS John Charles   05.01.1929 66 w/Margaret
ELLIS Kathleen Margaret   05.09.1947   b/John Charles
ELLIS Margaret Agnes   28.07.1935 49  
ELLIS Robert Morrey   07.04.1942 48  
ELMER Alfreda   28.08.1941 40  
EMERY Katherine   12.04.1930 61 h/Cyril John c/Eileen, Bob, Cecil, & Mary.
ENGLISH Hannah   28.06.1919 60 h/W.
ENGLISH James   09.10.1956   From Shirley & Jeff.
ENGLISH Thelma Teressa   13.02.1962   h/James
ENNIS Mary   14.10.1879 23  
ENNIS Patrick   21.01.1868 46 Erected by his Wife & Mother.
ENRIGHT Margaret        
ENRIGHT Ven. Archdeacon   28.09.1924    
ENTWHISTLE Margaret   08.03.1929 63  
ERRINGTON Honorah   30.04.1947   h/Peter
ERRINGTON Peter   19.05.1932 84  
ESMONDE Catherine   09.11.1926 62 h/Louis
ESMONDE John Hubert   26.07.1962 58  
ESMONDE Louis   26.12.1933 74  
ETHERIDGE Ann   02.01.1904 59  
ETHERIDGE Annie   27.06.1936 69  
ETHERIDGE Edward   23.11.1902 7y8m drowned in Torrens River p/Harry & Mary
ETHERIDGE Harry J.   26.01.1927 55 w/Mary
ETHERIDGE Henry Charles   23.11.1902 9y7m drowned in Torrens River p/Harry & Mary
ETHERIDGE John A.   20.11.1938 70 w/Annie
ETHERIDGE Margaret Ann   18.09.1901 34 p/Ann
ETHERIDGE Mary   12.10.1864 36  
ETHERIDGE Mary (Minnie)   12.09.1947 74 h/Harry J.
ETTRIDGE Arthur   26.11.1932 58  
EVANS Annie   29.11.1942 69 h/late William. Mother.
EVANS Beatrice Howard ??.??.1895  ??.??.1975    
EVANS Catherine   ??.11.1936    
EVANS John Colman   14.07.1951 86 w/Mary Ann c/Jack, Joe, Tom, Ted & Kathleen.
EVANS John Dalton   05.11.1932 5  
EVANS Mary Ann 08.10.1869 15.07.1944    
EVANS Nora   08.08.1940 79  
EVANS Patrick Evans   22.11.1910 56 w/Nora
EVANS Thomas Alfred ??.??.1897 ??.??.1974    
EVANS William   04.07.1898 25  
EVANS William   28.04.1923 68  
EY Anne Rose   16.04.1906 37 p/Rose TAYLOR h/Henry

These pages were produced by P.Applebee for Andrew G Peake ©2007