West Terrace Catholic Section




Transcripts by Andrew G Peake 1985

Surname Given Names Birth date Death Date Age Remarks
LACEY Mary   31.08.1916 72  
LADE William A.   12.01.1923 59 w/Jane
LADNER Mary Ellen   22.11.1964 70  
LADOCHOWSKI Stanilaus Martin   13.05.1915   w/Lily Beverley Alicia
LAFFAN Annie Dominic   15.09.1927 45 h/Frank T.
LAFFAN Clarence B.   22.03.1964 74 p/Frank & Jane
LAFFAN Frank   03.02.1924 77 w/Jane
LAFFAN Garnet   15.05.1956 69 p/Frank & Jane
LAFFAN Jane   19.01.1918 59  
LAGERGREN Annie   17.10.1954 92  
LAGERGREN Charles   28.08.1954 61  
LAGERGREN Otto Norman   05.06.1934 42 p/late Otto & Annie. Late 5th Pioneer Btn.
LAGERGREN Thomas   05.06.1924 3  
LAIDLAW Mary Forence   10.01.1970 73 h/Maurice Pte. SX11 10 Btn. C/Noel & Brian.
LAING Charles   28.03.1913 28 h/I. c/ C.
LAING Teresa M.   22.07.1932 52 c/C.J. LAING & Kathleen
LAIRD Essie   21.05.1919 45 h/Joseph
LAKE Ethel May (Elsie)   29.09.1964 78  
LAKE Reginald   22.12.1933 25 p/R.H. & E.M
LAKE Reginald H.R.   25.05.1953 71 w/Ethel May
LAKE S.M. Sabina   26.10.1958   Good Samaritan Convent
LALLY Cpl. Martin   11.02.1869 33 50th Queen's Own Regt. 
LAMB Catherine Eva   16.01.1923 25 p/H.C. & C.M.
LAMB Catherine Margaret   28.11.1920 53 Erected by Son's & Daughters.
LAMBE Mona Marie ??.??.1870 ??.??.1935    
LAMPE Catherine   08.11.1916 36  
LAMPE Jacob   10.03.1900 67  
LAMPE Margaret Ann   22.09.1912 68 h/Jacob
LAMPE Robert   03.09.1961 86 w/Catherine
LANAGAN S. Stanislaus   20.08.1913    
LANDVOGL Agnes   24.01.1892 27 p/John Philip & Margaret
LANDVOGL Cecelia   28.08.1892 22 p/John Philip & Margaret
LANDVOGL John Philip   20.02.1912 80  
LANDVOGL Lily   21.02.1893 24 p/John Philip & Margaret
LANDVOGL Margaret   11.07.1902 69 h/John Philip
LANE Agnes Elizabeth   20.01.1943 74 h/Ernest Balton
LANE Albert Edward   02.04.1958 72  
LANE Ann   24.05.1895 26  
LANE Daisy May   18.07.1947 56 c/John & Henry
LANE Ellen Teresa   09.05.1911   h/Robert
LANE Ethel   10.08.1930 30 h/Douglas C.  Daughter in Law/Agnes Elizabeth
LANE Gertrude   23.08.1956   h/Robert c/Eileen, John, Charles, Thelma, Audrey & Robert
LANE Mary   10.02.1921 70  
LANE R.G.  F/Sgt.   27.07.1951 50 27207
LANE Robert   28.07.1932   w/Ellen & Ruth Alice
LANE Robert   26.04.1956   w/ Gertrude c/Eileen, John, Charles, Thelma, Audrey & Robert
LANGAN Magdalene S.M.   20.10.1918    
LANGCAKE Olive May   28.03.1942 39 p/J. & M.E.
LANGRON Mary Louisa   15.12.1968 74  
LANKERAU Winifred Freuda   03.09.1947 77  
LANNAN Elizabeth   22.01.1932    
LANNAN Patrick   10.10.1937 76  
LAPP Beddear   16.05.1969 81  
LAPP Edward   23.10.1954 61 w/Beddear
LARKIN A.C.I. Kenneth Thomas   24.05.1942 18 R.A.A.F died on active service at Ascot Vale, Vic.
LARKIN Charles   02.01.1899 3y4m p/Martin
LARKIN Elizabeth   15.05.1904 48  
LARKIN Gertrude   11.05.1920   h/W.J.
LARKIN Hilda   06.11.1937 29 p/James & Martha
LARKIN J. Pte.   14.12.1917   45 Btn. 3659
LARKIN James   20.07.1948 76  
LARKIN Jane Mary   08.11.1886 34  
LARKIN Margaret Ann   01.07.1942 76 h/Patrick Joseph
LARKIN Martha   01.02.1959 73 h/James
LARKIN Martin   26.08.1919 74 w/Winifred
LARKIN Michael ??.??.1859 ??.??.1954 95  
LARKIN Rose   07.07.1936 50 p/James & Jane late of Booleroo Centre
LARKIN William Michael   12.09.1921   late of Broken Hill, died Adelaide
LARKIN Winifred   10.02.1891 35  
LARSEN Johann Fehrenkamp 01.09.1893 14.10.1918   born Charlottenhlund, Denmark
LARSEN Mary Margaret   09.06.1945   p/Michael & Mary A.K POWER
LAST Catherine Victoria   03.02.1941 51  
LAVENDER Bella Guernin M.A. 29.03.1859 27.07.1923   First Lady Graduate in Australia
LAVERY Joan S.M.   28.08.1970    
LAWLER Bernard   04.12.1961 55  
LAWLER Frank   08.04.1941 55 w/Ethel Margaret
LAWLER Ivy Teresa   29.12.1967 57 h/Bernard
LAWLER Mary   12.05.1934 87  
LAWLER Mary   03.11.1945 64 p/Jeremiah & Margaret McKENNA
LAWLESS Elizabeth   18.05.1865 14  
LAWLESS Heather? Agnes   12.01.1872 23?  
LAWLESS Thomas   22.06.1876?    
LAWLOR David    13.01.1912 26  
LAWLOR Joanna   05.07.1936 79y9m c/David
LAWRENCE Margaret Elizabeth   20.03.1958 94  
LAWRENCE William John   08.04.1917 58  
LAWRIE J.J.   15.10.1921 61  
LAWRIE Teresa   20.01.1924 65  
LAWSON Alex A.   22.12.1911 28 Brother
LAWSON Emanuel Alfred   08.09.1929 81 w/Mary Jane c/Alex A.
LAWSON Mary Jane   26.12.1910 63 Mother
LAZARUS Mary Aloysius Sr.   19.02.1933    
LE COUTEUR Sister Lucy   19.10.1938 86  
LE MESSURIER Cpl. Havilland   25.11.1913   late Commander S.A. Military Forces
LE MESSURIER Susan Augusta   05.06.1915   h/Havilland nee MURRAY
LEAHY Agnes James Emily   17.10.1932 64 h/J.J.
LEAHY Alice   09.08.1937 24  
LEAHY Annie   02.01.1929 69 h/George
LEAHY Bridget   ??.??.1887 33 h/J.J.
LEAHY Caroline   13.08.1876 54 c/J.J. died Bristol
LEAHY Caroline Mary   26.03.1936 55 p/J.J & B.
LEAHY Catherine Imelda   24.09.1968 99 p/Thomas & Margaret
LEAHY Cecilia   25.01.1960 78 h/William
LEAHY Charlotte    04.09.1940 70  
LEAHY Cornelius W.   25.02.1932 65 Died Gawler
LEAHY Delia   16.06.1941 51 c/Joan Catherine
LEAHY Edmund   01.10.1883 4 c/J.J.
LEAHY Edward   ??.??.1876   died at Sea.
LEAHY Elizabeth Anne   06.04.1938 82  
LEAHY Elizabeth F. (Bessie)   27.07.1936 66  
LEAHY Francis Patrick   05.10.1922 41 w/Nelly Joyce p/J. & M.
LEAHY Frederick Fabian   07.12.1908 8 p/George
LEAHY George   01.12.1910 49  
LEAHY James   25.04.1909 73 w/Margaret
LEAHY James   25.04.1884 2 c/J.J.
LEAHY Joan Catherine   04.11.1923 3y5m p/Vincent & Delia
LEAHY John       p/George  Infant Son
LEAHY John Aloysius   31.05.1937 85  
LEAHY John Joseph   27.07.1910 58 w/A.J.
LEAHY Leo Stanilaus   13.08.1981 40 killed at Tobruk, 2/8 Fld. Ambulance
LEAHY Lyla   31.01.1917 19 p/Thomas & Mary
LEAHY Marcellus   18.06.1927 32 p/M.F & E. late A.I.F
LEAHY Margaret   29.02.1896 53  
LEAHY Margaret Alice   16.09.1923 76 H/ Thomas
LEAHY Margaret Jane   07.12.1960 85 h/Michael
LEAHY Margaret Mary (Molly)   18.02.1910 13 p/George
LEAHY Mary   27.03.1958 62 h/Marcellus
LEAHY Mary Agnes   13.02.1876 19 s/J.J
LEAHY Mary Catherine   07.10.1922 19 p/Thomas & Mary
LEAHY Mary Teresa   09.08.1908 40 h/Thomas
LEAHY Mary Teresa   04.06.1892 22 p/J. & M.
LEAHY Michael Domenic   24.01.1924   p/Thomas & Mary eldest son
LEAHY Michael F.   28.05.1958 90 w/Elizabeth
LEAHY Norman P.   20.01.1928    
LEAHY Patrick   13.10.1883 60 c/J.J.
LEAHY Patrick   ??.??.1876   died at Sea.
LEAHY Thomas   20.12.1949 84 w/Charlotte
LEAHY Thomas   23.09.1941 62 Husband & Father
LEAHY Thomas   24.07.1924 79  
LEAHY Thomas   ??.??.1876   died at Sea.
LEAHY Thomas Michael   13.08.1936 69  
LEAHY William   15.06.1940 74 Father
LEAHY William Gerrard   05.01.1919 19 p/Thomas & Mary
LEAMY Denis   14.06.1918 78 w/Honorah
LEAMY Hanorah   15.12.1900 50  
LEAMY Mary Jane   26.01.1936   h/Dennis
LEAN Eleanor   26.08.1977 89  
LEAN Margaret Mary ( Peggy )   03.03.1946 6y10m p/W. & G.
LEAN William   20.06.1960 38 p/W. & G.
LEANEY Matilda Mary   17.08.1953 78  
LEANEY Walter Howard   26.12.1954 79 w/Matilda Mary
LEANNDER Margaret        
LEARY James   13.12.1929 64  
LEAVES Beatrice   02.08.1971 85  
LEAVES Lynda Margaret   17.12.1926 20 p/Sydney & Beatrice
LEAVES Sydney James   15.01.1955 70  
LEE Ada   05.06.1925   h/John
LEE Annie   26.10.1909 59 Mother
LEE Annie   16.01.1941 77  
LEE Bridget   23.07.1931    
LEE Bridget Mary   21.06.1950 79 h/John
LEE Catherine   14.02.1894 56 h/Thomas died Mitchelltown, Ireland
LEE Catherine Mary   21.09.1912 42 h/John Henry
LEE Catherine Mary   21.09.1912 42 h/John Henry
LEE Catherine Theresa   10.03.1896 50  
LEE Catherine Thesesa   10.03.1896 50  
LEE Denis   24.10.1931 76  
LEE Elizabeth Teresa   06.10.1968 90 Sister died North Adelaide.
LEE George   01.03.1946 43  
LEE Harriet   05.07.1925 27 h/John Erected by Husb. & Uncle Joe O'MALLEY
LEE James   03.09.1875? 40 w/Mary
LEE Jane   18.07.1933 20  
LEE John   11.12.1965 75 w/Kate
LEE John Henry   16.08.1906 68 w/Catherine Theresa
LEE John Henry   16.08.1906 68  
LEE John Keane   16.07.1939 73  
LEE Josephine Cecelia   16.02.1920   Wife
LEE Leo   07.05.1939 40 p/John & Margaret 2nd son
LEE Margaret   20.01.1912 44 h/John
LEE Margaret Sandra   27.12.1942 19d gran-parents Peter Francis & Sarah Ellen McIVOR
LEE Mary   16.03.1928 64  
LEE Mary Ellen   29.11.1975 88  
LEE Michael Leo   01.08.1909   died Pt. Pirie
LEE Patrick Keane   06.11.1940 81 c/William Martin
LEE Sr. Helen (Maggie)   19.01.1895 24 died Helchin, Belgium
LEE Thomas   23.06.1892 75 died Mitchelltown, Ireland
LEE Thomas Rev.   19.06.1910   died Hindmarsh, 30th year as a priest
LEE William   22.04.1905 32 died North Adelaide
LEE William Martin   27.04.1927 27 w/Mary
LEEMING Gwendoline Mary   07.03.1944 47  
LEES Eliza Ann   10.11.1918 61 Mother. Erected by her three sisters.
LEES John   01.01.1924 69  
LEESHA Mackli 20.09.1862 13.11.1890   from Antoureen, Mt. Libon, Syria
LEESHA Mary Rouhana   17.12.1927 67  
LEESHA Nezera Rouhana   12.10.1938 47  
LEESONG Bridget   05.02.1937 75  
LEESUE Cnr. Colin   21.07.1942 25 died Whyalla
LEESUE Gordon (De)   08.05.1946 22 b/ Colin accidently killed
LEHANE Martin   08.08.1914 72 p/Lawrence
LEIGH Sydney Wilkin   07.03.1973 85 w/Margot c/Cedric.
LEITH Beatrice Elizabeth   03.10.1967 86  
LeLAMER Annie   29.01.1883 89  
LeLAMER Bertie   15.11.1881 5  
LEMAIRE Charles   06.07.1914 64 w/mary
LEMCKE Margaret Winifred   06.08.1965 87 h/Wiiliam
LEMCKE William Andrew   12.08.1925 48  
LeMESSURIER Ruby May   27.08.1965 76 nee MATTHEW
LEMON Margaret   25.09.1938 77  
LEMON Michael Joseph   29.09.1940 77 s/Catherine Mary ONLEY
LENANE Catherine   21.05.1892 86 h/Lawrence
LENANE Lawrence   14.04.1886 80  
LENANE Patrick   15.08.1880 34 p/Lawrence
LENIHAN Denis   21.05.1942   w/Nan, R.A.A.F died in active service with his Squadron
LENNANE John   06.04.1887 52  
LENNANE Margaret   26.07.1905 65 h/John
LEO Annie   01.03.1888 18  
LEO Thelma Mary   29.10.1934 14 p/Andrew W.
LEONARD Ada   04.06.1917 40 daughter in law/Thomas & Mary
LEONARD Alice Mary   11.07.1966 88 h/John
LEONARD Andrew   ??.11.1850 3  
LEONARD Ann   27.10.1914 76  
LEONARD Bridget   22.04.1884 37  
LEONARD Bridget   31.10.1964 91  
LEONARD Catherine   01.03.1936 88 h/Martin
LEONARD Catherine Agnes   26.01.1954 75 h/Walter
LEONARD Daniel Frances   06.04.1948 75 w/Ellen
LEONARD Dennis   25.12.1879 14y9m  
LEONARD Eileen Alice   05.01.1938 33 p/Walter
LEONARD Ellen   22.12.1946 71 Sister died North Adelaide. h/late Michael
LEONARD Ellen    16.12.1947 70  
LEONARD Frances (Tot)   30.09.1899 21 p/Martin & Catherine
LEONARD Francis Daniel   01.08.1915 2y5m g,son
LEONARD James   25.05.1897 20 p/Bridget
LEONARD James   22.07.1899 60 w/Bridget c/James & Patrick
LEONARD James (Scott)   14.03.1926 45 p/Thomas & Mary, died Bowden.
LEONARD James Joseph   24.08.1918 85  
LEONARD James Martin (Jim)   22.04.1937 59 w/Lydia Eva
LEONARD John   11.12.1937 67  
LEONARD John   05.01.1870 25  
LEONARD John   21.08.1915 59  
LEONARD Joseph   12.07.1891 75  
LEONARD Josephine     3 p/P. & J.
LEONARD Marian   01.10.1891 41 h/D.
LEONARD Martin   24.12.1907 63  
LEONARD Mary   10.05.1897 54  
LEONARD Mary   08.11.1906 84  
LEONARD Mercia   21.07.1942 43 p/late Peter & Mary  s/Mary, Fred & Dorothy
LEONARD Michael     8m p/P. & J.
LEONARD Michael   20.03.1891 57 w/Ann
LEONARD Michael John   12.04.1882 28 p/Joseph
LEONARD Nellie   18.10.1928 23 p/J. & A.M.
LEONARD Nora   07.10.1928   p/Michael &n Ann 3rd Daughter
LEONARD Norah Cecelia   01.10.1899 6m grand dau./Martin & Catherine
LEONARD Patrick   26.05.1910 41 p/Bridget
LEONARD Patrick   04.04.1904 75  
LEONARD Peter Frederick   01.03.1936 67 w/Mary c/Mary, Fred, Mercia & Dorothy
LEONARD Priscilla   04.01.1886 44 h/James
LEONARD Richard   03.11.1860 56  
LEONARD Richard   15.08.1858 15m  
LEONARD Sarah   19.01.1892 85  
LEONARD Sister Sarah   07.02.1933 54  
LEONARD Thomas   14.03.1922 78 w/Mary
LEONARD Walter John   13.03.1924 53  
LEONAVICIENE Ona Martisuite 27.04.1914 04.07.1951   born Celaudiskis, Lithuania. died Woodside
LeRAY Sophia Margaret   11.10.1934 74  
L'ESTAGE Clara Amelia   21.09.1949 73 h/John  William
L'ESTAGE Francis Xavier   04.03.1926    
L'ESTAGE James Patrick   03.08.1887 23  
L'ESTAGE John B.   21.07.1914 84  
L'ESTAGE John William   04.06.1931 69  
L'ESTAGE Mary   27.07.1916 72 h/John B.
L'ESTAGE Ottawa York L.   27.02.1908 34  
L'ESTAGE William Kingston   16.09.1909 46  
L'ESTAGE Winifred A.   18.07.1948    
LESTER Elizabeth   17.02.1900 23  
LESTER Mary   06.06.1934 5  
LESTER Matilda Jane   23.09.1922 74 c/Matilda, Gertrude, Leonard & Mary
LESTER Peter Edward   15.09.1925 89 w/Matlida Jane
LESUE Elizabeth   29.05.1897 49 h/John
LESUE John   23.02.1896 60 c/Matthew, Thomas, Emily & Louisa
LEWENS Henry   09.05.1932    
LEWIS Adelaide E.   08.07.1916 7 1/2 p/F.C.
LEWIS Adelina May   01.12.1928   h/Dr. A. BRITTON-JONES p/John & Alexandrina
LEWIS Alexandrina H.   28.06.1955 85 h/ John, later Robert McLEAN
LEWIS Annie Agnes   15.09.1949 50 h/late Harry
LEWIS Arthur Henry   05.03.1942   father of Children
LEWIS Bridget Ellen   17.01.1969 76 h/Vernon c/Joseph
LEWIS Catherine   15.04.1901 84  
LEWIS Catherine Alma   05.12.1919 21 p/John & Alexandrina
LEWIS Catherine Mary   18.11.1952 85 h/Frederick William
LEWIS Charlotte Doretta   24.06.1954   h/Arthur Henry
LEWIS Ellen   14.08.1925   p/William Bond
LEWIS Frederick William   08.03.1926 66  
LEWIS Henry   30.04.1892 70  
LEWIS James       p/John & Alexandrina Infant son
LEWIS John   31.03.1922 66 w/Alexandrina H.
LEWIS Joseph Desmond   26.07.1942 14y7m  
LEWIS Kevin Joseph   02.01.1937   p/Arthur & Charlotte
LEWIS Minnie   07.10.1944 55 p/Thomas & Catherine
LEWIS Vernon Vincent   17.06.1946 67  
LEWIS William   02.08.1875 9  
LEWORTHY Betty Caroline 13.01.1877 17.02.1962   O.B.E.
LEWORTHY E.L.   14.12.1917    
LICKERT Raymond   11.07.1858 48 from St. Maegan, nr. Freiburg, Baden.
LIDDY Johanna   17.06.1920 64 Mother of Children
LIDDY Patrick James   13.04.1924 62 Brother of Sisters
LILL S.M. Madeleine   07.09.1958    
LILLAS M.M. Lawrence   03.12.1956    
LILLECRAP George Francis   14.06.1931 41  
LILLECRAP Norah Mary   21.01.1968   h/George
LILLYWHITE Mary B.   08.05.1939 49  
LINDBLOM Annie Louise   31.12.1922 48 h/Augusta Wilhem late of Hookina. Mother of a Daughter
LINDBLOM Arthur John   17.11.1976   c/Maureen & Sharon
LINDBLOM Maureen Ann   04.02.1940 1y10m p/A. & M.
LINDBLOM Sharon   29.10.1951   p/A. & M.
LINEHAM Bernard   16.11.1899 22 p/Patrick & Catherine
LINEHAM Catherine   31.08.1897 58 h/Patrick
LINEHAM David   01.10.1910 76 grandparent/David
LINEHAM Hannah   19.12.1956   died Forrestville h/Thomas
LINEHAM Helena Gertude   25.05.1897    
LINEHAM Joseph Patrick   26.05.1926   p/Patrick & Catherine b/Mary
LINEHAM Mary (Minnie)   25.11.1935 68 c/Helena Gertrude
LINEHAM Patrick   16.11.1900 58  
LINEHAM Patrick       p/Patrick & Catherine infant son
LINEHAM Thomas Edward   18.07.1947   died Forrestville
LINEHAM William       p/Patrick & Catherine infant son
LINEHAM William T.   23.07.1953 61 p/William & Mary
LINEHAM William Thomas   17.03.1952 84 w/Mary
LINN Mary Annie   28.04.1876 25 sister of A.V.RIEON
LINNANE Bridget   19.08.1908 74  
LINNANE Ellen   27.12.1951   p/Bridget
LINNANE John   12.12.1900 48 w/Margaret
LINNANE John   23.04.1918 44 p/Bridget
LINNANE Margaret   02.10.1898 40  
LINNANE Mary   08.02.1932 68 b/Patrick
LINNANE Michael   26.08.1924 66 p/Bridget
LINNANE Norah   01.05.1946 83 p/Bridget
LINNANE Pat   22.05.1903   p/Bridget
LINNANE Patrick   26.07.1926 78  
LINNANE Rose Ann   16.05.1930 70  
LISTON Kate   31.12.1917 49 died Port Augusta
LITTERINI Moglia Giacinta 27.02.1897 11.04.1951    
LITTLE Frances   14.05.1923 3  
LLOYD Johanna Mary   20.09.1910 35 died North Adelaide
LLOYD Marcia Isabella 30.09.1859 20.12.1889    
LLOYD S.M. Teresita   24.01.1968    
LOCK Charles W.   18.09.1950 83?  
LOCK Clarence Francis  30.03.1895 15.10.1940    
LOCK Henry   31.03.1924 60 w/Mary
LOCK Margaret   03.11.1946 79 h/Charles.
LOCK Olive Harriett ??.??.1895 ??.??.1971    
LOCK William John   31.10.1937 50 p/John & Elizabeth of Allandale East, eldest son
LOCKHART James ??.??.1863 ??.??.1926    
LOCKHART Margaret ??.??.1861 ??.??.1933   grand parents of Valda
LOCKWOOD James Edward   25.01.1905 44  
LOCKWOOD Marie    20.08.1947    
LOMBARDI Antonio   02.11.1914 21  
LOMBARDI Vincenzo   24.01.1952   husband b/Antonio
LONDRIGAN John   22.08.1937 47 w/Dorothy
LONERGAN Mary Agnes   19.10.1969 69 h/Francis mother of 9 children
LONEY Frank   03.04.1926 29 accidently killed in perliminary M.C.G Sports Gawler
LONEY Myrtle May   16.04.1944 47 h/Frank
LONG Anne J.   05.05.1926    
LONG Catherine Mary   28.02.1935 94 h/James Henry
LONG James Henry   16.08.1931 71 c/Tom & Arthur
LONG John Edward   11.09.1921   w/Alice May 
LONG Sister Mary Joseph   24.05.1930 85  
LONGAN Joseph   19.06.1887 48 s/Martha
LONGAN Norah   23.02.1935    
LONGBOTTOM Mary   17.08.1935 77  
LOUGHLIN Edward   11.04.1945 56  
LOUGHLIN John   23.03.1922 70  
LOUGHLIN Margaret   05.09.1934 85 h/John
LOUGHLIN Sis. M, Chanel        
LOUGHLIN Sis. M. Chanel   31.05.1957   Sisters of the Little Company of Mary (Combined Grave)
LOVALL Antoinette M. (Nita) ??.??.1908 ??.??.1966   p/James T. & Katherine Louisa WOODS
LOVELL Betty Therese   24.05.1968 42 p/Peter Francis & Frances Ann LYNCH, interred Melbourne
LOWE John   11.10.1941 72 Erected by his nieces.
LOWE May   16.12.1937 40 died at Mt. Lawley, W. A only dau. Selina & J.W.
LOWE Selina   30.12.1898 25y6m Erected by her mother Bridget MORRIS
LOWER Eileen Cicely   23.08.1952   of Perth
LOWLEY Katherine Mary   29.10.1934 62  
LOWRY Patrick   25.05.1888 70 w/Mary of Unley
LOWTH Annie Frances   24.10.1915 27  
LOWTH Charlotte Annie   26.08.1947 89  
LOWTH Gertrude Mary   26.12.1951    
LOWTH Margarite Caroline   28.07.1918 23  
LUCAS ?   14.04.1927 3y4m p/F.R. & A.C.
LUCAS Jessie   22.11.1890 50  
LUCAS Jessie   20.11.1953   p/Jessie
LUCKIE Catherine   19.02.1877 44  
LUCKIE Emma   27.08.1869 5  
LUCKIE Louisa   08.05.1863 6days  
LUCKIE Sarah   09.08.1866 3m  
LUDDY Clara M.   05.11.1927 27  
LUDDY Michael   24.09.1943 70  
LUDDY Rose Elizabeth   22.12.1942    
LUDDY S. Xaveria   28.09.1936    
LUDDY Thomas J.   27.09.1952 72 w/Clara
LUGG Amy   26.03.1967 75 c/Laurie & Bonnie
LUGG George   24.02.1932 42 w/Amy
LUHRMANN August   13.01.1935 71  
LUHRMANN Rose Charlotte   18.04.1974 76 p/August & Susan
LUHRMANN Susan   17.06.1943 69 h/August
LUKE Anges Annie   25.01.1921 18 p/late W. & E. (Nellie BENTICK)
LUNDBERRY M.M. Raymond   07.08.1931    
LUSCOMBE Catherine   07.10.1899 66  
LUSH Elizabeth Ann   10.07.1912 42 p/Thomas & Catherine McNAMARA
LYCETT John Charles   09.02.1953 78  
LYCETT Josephine   01.07.1933 48 h/Charles
LYDDY John 17.03.1802 24.12.1869    
LYDDY Mary   14.02.1904 90  
LYDDY Mary Anne   31.10.1938 86  
LYNCH Ann   24.08.1901 75 h/Mathew c/Bridget
LYNCH Annie 20.12.1878 28.03.1950   h/James
LYNCH Annie       h/James
LYNCH Annie   02.04.1926    
LYNCH Arthur Francis   17.02.1933 66 M.B. B.S., F.R.A.C.S
LYNCH Bridget   16.11.1874 36  
LYNCH Cornelius   12.07.1957    
LYNCH Cornelius   05.07.1915 64 died Dry Creek
LYNCH Edith Ella   05.12.1935 50  
LYNCH Elizabeth   08.11.1927 55 h/John
LYNCH Ellen   03.09.1893 78  
LYNCH Ellen   ??.06.1908 83  
LYNCH Emily Edith   28.08.1935 82 h/James
LYNCH Frances Ann   04.09.1966 77 h/Peter Francis
LYNCH Francis   26.04.1889 75 w/Ellen
LYNCH Hanora   29.10.1931 85  
LYNCH Henry Francis   19.09.1948 87 w/Mary Agnes
LYNCH Jack Augustus ??.??.1900  ??.??.1902    
LYNCH James   02.08.1885 75 Surveyor & Di Ler.
LYNCH James   08.12.1955 76 w/Annie
LYNCH James   31.07.1913 77  
LYNCH Jane   07.08.1917 78  
LYNCH John   29.11.1958 94  
LYNCH John   30.03.1921 60 w/Annie
LYNCH John Joseph   07.12.1932 63 w/Mary Gertrude
LYNCH John Joseph   04.01.1949 53  
LYNCH John Patrick   29.08.1922 79 c/John Joseph
LYNCH Katherine   ??.06.1883 25  
LYNCH Lawrence   25.04.1932 72  
LYNCH Louis Arthur        
LYNCH Mary Agnes   22.04.1947 76  
LYNCH Mary Ann   23.11.1962 66  
LYNCH Mary Ann   20.05.1916 49 h/Peter
LYNCH Mary C.   ??.11.1964   p/Peter & Mary Ann
LYNCH Mathew   25.04.1887 67 w/Ann c/Bridget
LYNCH Olive   16.09.1968 72  
LYNCH Owen   ??.??.1890 74  
LYNCH Peter   09.11.1891 47  
LYNCH Peter   12.05.1916 59  
LYNCH Peter Francis   07.01.1941 53 c/Mildred & Betty
LYNCH Richard Thomas   06.08.1933 46  
LYNCH Rose Ann   23.09.1969 69  
LYNCH S.M.Bernadette   10.02.1976   I.B.V.M
LYNCH Thomas   08.01.1879 63  
LYNCH Timothy   23.05.1865 32  
LYNCH William Arnold   27.05.1977 79 w/Florence May.
LYONS Bridget   03.03.1934 72  
LYONS Constance Jane (Jean)   11.12.1937 29 p/James & Jane youngest Dau.
LYONS Dennis (Dinnie)   11.09.1909 31 killed off Galway Lad at Cheltenham Park
LYONS Ellen   15.08.1921   h/James
LYONS Hannah   05.03.1908 72  
LYONS Hanorah Margaret   29.01.1928 28 p/Michael & Bridget of Murraytown.
LYONS J.H.   08.04.1895 43  
LYONS James   30.03.1897   killed in W.A.
LYONS James Burnard (Jim)   27.04.1912 38 died Prospect
LYONS Jane   22.04.1945 71 h/James
LYONS John Henry    05.08.1968 78 Pvte. 632 2nd Tunneling Co. died Adelaide
LYONS Julia Ellen   25.04.1940 55 late of Mt. Gambier
LYONS Mary   29.08.1932   h/Patrick
LYONS Mary   11.05.1911   p/James & Ellen
LYONS Mary   15.10.1883 47 h/John c/Michael & Jane.
LYONS Michael   09.03.1916   p/James & Ellen, trooper killed in Egypt.
LYONS Michael   18.09.1896   b/James
LYONS Oriel May   25.04.1940 32 p/Julia Ellen
LYONS P.F.   11.04.1933    
LYONS Patrick   17.01.1908 67 Erected by Daughters
LYONS Thomas P.   02.09.1921   p/James & Ellen
LYONS Vincent Lawrence   28.03.1922 4 p/William John & Annie W.
LYONS William John   29.04.1924 39 w/Annie W.
LYSAGHT Mary   08.02.1931 83  
LYSAGHT Michael   21.03.1905 73 w/Mary
LYSAIGHT Catherine C.   30.07.1947   Potts, Dad & Auntie Kate.

These pages were produced by P.Applebee for Andrew G Peake ©2007